While driving through Billericay in early March, my car’s front wheel and tyre were totally mangled by a pothole.

I put in a claim for £120 worth of damage and have just received a letter from Essex Claims Handlers, which tells me they have “not yet received a report from the Highways Department”.

Funny isn’t it, that when an individual owes a council money, the bailiffs are soon hovering like flies, but when you come a cropper on Essex’s abysmal roads, you cannot demand immediate payment or charge interest for the time you have to wait for your claim to be processed.

Billericay’s roads are in a parlous state, as is most of Basildon, but it’s funny how Tory-controlled Essex County Council can spend more on upmarket areas like Epping.

The potholes and scars on roads and pavements that are marked out in red paint, are just to cover Essex County Council’s backside.

Apparently it is not liable. If you have an accident on them because the red markings indicate it is “aware” of the problem and it is on the “to do” list.

If you are fed up with potholes and uneven pavements, I suggest you get on to Essex County Council and nag it into action because if they’re “marked”, you won’t be able to claim anything in the event of an accident.

Kim Gandy
Eastwood Road