A SECONDARY school will be completely rebuilt after £24.5million of funding was secured.

Woodlands School in Takely End, Basildon, will be knocked down and a new school built on existing playing fields and playgrounds.

Work will start next summer and the 1,500 pupils will move in by 2014.

A new access road from Nether Mayne, interactive classrooms with white boards and halls equipped with DVD, satellites, TV and sound systems will be part of the rebuild.

Headteacher Andy White, who has worked at the school for 21 years, said: “I am completely delighted about the news. It’s fantastic.

“The plans have been in the pipeline for a long time, and it is great they have come to fruition. The school is 50 years old and this is needed.

“The new buildings will give everyone a boost, but of course great teachers are the most important thing.”

Woodlands was part of the Building Schools for the Future programme which was put on hold last year. However, because Woodlands School is in such need, the Department for Education has found the money necessary.

Sports pitches will be included in the rebuild, and it is hoped the new facilities will be used by other schools, local sports clubs and community groups.

Stephen Castle, Essex county councillor responsible for education, said: “I am delighted Woodlands School is able to go ahead with its planned building works.

“It is a very large secondary school serving many areas of Basildon, and I am delighted so many will be able to benefit from this investment.”

Year Ten pupil Sophie Charles, 15, said: “It is all very exciting for all of us here, it will be a new Woodlands for a new millennium, we cannot wait to see it finished.”

School governor David Penson said: “We have done so well in our old buildings – just think what our kids and teachers can do in a purpose-built, 21st century school.”