Southend Council’s deputy leader John Lamb and his team commented (July 16) on City Beach road layout.

They were quoted as saying: “The lack of crossings and signs improves safety”; “Putting a lot of signs will make the area look ugly”; “When you cross the road, you make your own personal risk assessment. You don’t just walk out in front of a car.”

Mr Lamb assumes people make good assessments.

The area surrounding Westcliff High School has numerous safety signs installed at great expense.

Yet on a daily basis many students make poor assessments when they jump out directly in front of buses and cars at a traffic-controlled crossing.

I challenge Mr Lamb to watch students cross the road at Westcliff, then walk across the road at City Beach wearing a blindfold.

He should then report back to the Echo on whether a crossing is needed at City Beach or not.

Gordon Barton
Silversea Drive