I wouldn’t dream of going to Southend for pleasure, but Anna Waite is out of order for vilifying people who probably have no choice but to shop there.

Most mothers don’t set out to be single, most drug users don’t set out to be addicts and I’m pretty sure no one sets out to be poor and live in the diabolical accommodation provided by money-grabbing private landlords, who only thrive because of a woeful lack of decent social housing.

Sadly, good people end up in horrible circumstances.

Anna Waite should climb down from her ivory tower and use her energy to improve housing and social support for the unfortunate people she denigrates.

The reason anyone with a car and money to spend goes to out-of-town shopping centres is because they can park for nothing.

If Southend Council didn’t rob its residents and visitors blind, it might find more people came into the town and stayed longer.

I loathe the likes of Bluewater, but they will win my vote because I can park for free.

Hannah Foster
Priory Court