DEVELOPERS are being sought to transform a dilapidated hall into a top leisure and community facility.

The seventies-built Hadleigh Hall and surrounding John Burrows recreational area has been earmarked for a regeneration project to breathe new life into the site after it had increasingly fallen victim to vandalism.

The proposals could also include revamping the council housing block Solby’s House and the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service building which are also on the land, paving the way for the possibility of a mixed use, leisure and business development.

Now, the Castle Point Regeneration Partnership has launched a marketing campaign calling on commercial and community operators to submit interests redeveloping the area.

Pam Challis, leader of the Castle Point Regeneration Partnership and Castle Point Council, said: “I am excited by the prospect of promoting the regeneration proposition. The council has already been approached by a number of interested parties with a variety of ideas for the site.

“The partnership is keen to ensure that a number of quality proposals are received and that any resultant development is one that the residents of Hadleigh and the borough can be proud of.”

The council, which took over the site in 2005, was forced to close the hall 19 months ago after it was left in a shoddy state of repair, suffering smashed windows and graffiti.

Considerations had been made to completely demolish the building, however councillors voted to refurbish it and encourage more use of the current sport and recreation facilities at a meeting last October.

Organisations that express an interest in the opportunity will be provided with an information pack, including a pre-qualification questionnaire.

Responses to this questionnaire will be used as a first step in the selection process.

The closing date to submit expressions of interest is Friday 1 March.

For more information contact the Regeneration Team on 01268 882 200.