ANGRY councillors and residents have vowed to continue fighting to get weekly district nurse visits back at a retirement village.

More than 700 residents at Kings Park, Canvey, have signed a petition calling for the return of their Tuesday afternoon drop-in sessions.

The nurse held a clinic at the Kings Park social club, where residents could get blood tests and minor check-ups.

But it was cancelled in Junewith just two weeks notice.

Residents were told they would have to book appointments at the Paddocks Doctors Surgery, on Canvey, or book a home visit.

Pauline Sturley, social club treasurer at Kings Park, said: “A lot of residents want a home visit and for those without a car getting to the doctors surgery means a one mile walk to the bus stop.

“We are concerned about some of the older residents having to walk all that way.”

Councillor Dave Blackwell called for a meeting with local health bosses, along with MP Rebecca Harris, so they can present the petition.

He said: “I am not going to let this one go. It just does not make sense to cancel this service. The social club used to host the clinic free of charge.”

A spokesman for South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Our nursing teams have become more integrated to deliver a more tailored service to every patient.

"If patients need care they should call 01268 608250.”