A SCHEME to keep vulnerable people safe has been launched in Rayleigh.

The “Keep Safe” scheme is designed to raise awareness of vulnerable people and how to protect them.

It provides members with free cards and key rings containing essential contact numbers and can be used in situations, such as feeling unwell or losing a purse.

Once people have signed up they can go to a Keep Safe venue and ask for help to contact a family member, friend or carer.

Local venues, identified as safe places, provide free access to use of a telephone or will make a call on behalf of someone producing their Keep Safe card.

Being able to access a Keep Safe venue in times of need can increase people’s confidence when they are out in the community, and provide reassurance to relatives help is available for their loved ones if needed.

Jo McPherson, Rochford District councillor responsible for community, said: “The Keep Safe scheme helps us to work together as a community to support those who are vulnerable and in need of help.

“Our shops in Rayleigh have joined many venues across Essex as places where people can turn in a crisis.

“I am very pleased that shops in our district have joined this valuable scheme, and urge older and vulnerable people to sign up at the earliest opportunity, as you never know when you might need help.”

For more information or to join the scheme, contact the Community Safety Team at communitysafety@rochford.gov.uk or 01702 546366.