A DISTRAUGHT dog owner is calling for residents to help find his beloved pooch.

Seven-year-old Kahn went missing at about 11pm on Sunday, October 15 when he broke through the back fence which had become loose after some rough weather.

Owner, Stuart Smith, 46, of Rayleigh, believed Kahn was running after some other animals.

He said: “Kahn is a Leonberger breed and they’re working dogs, so they’re very active. It’s in his instinct to chase after other animals.

“Kahn is very special to me. I’ve had him since he was a puppy. I don’t have any children myself, so when he went missing it just broke me.”

Since Kahn went missing, Mr Smith set up a facebook page Help Find Kahn Lost In Hockley - Essex Any Sightings which has generated more than 1,500 followers who are keen to help track the gentle pooch.

So far, there have been three confirmed sightings as the community got together to offer a helping hand.

Tilly’s Angels organised a meeting asking volunteers to help to get posters and leaflets out to all surrounding areas.

Mr Smith said: “We have received reports from residents who have sighted him in certain areas around Rayleigh and Hockley. I’m very glad to hear he’s OK and well.

“Kahn’s fur is getting darker, so it might be more difficult to track him because he would be difficult to spot in the woods.”

Mr Smith, who works as a skipper for Essex Marina, has gone on a desperate search in Rayleigh to track down Kahn. Once he receives reports of Kahn’s sighting, he heads to the area and wait for his friend to hopefully pick up his scent and come back to him.

He said: “Kahn’s a very big and strong dog, but he’s very friendly and gentle. Leonbergers are bred for water rescue. Once we were on a boating trip with some friends and he helped rescue someone who fell into the water.

“He is very gentle and has a good temperament. Leonbergers are used as pat dogs in hospitals for autistic children.”

Michelle King, sister-in-law of Mr Smith, said: “Dog searching experts believe Kahn is in what is called ‘survival mode’ and will be seeing all humans as predators. He will probably run from anyone who tries to catch him and is he is extremely nervous of strangers.

“We are asking anyone who spots him not to call his name or approach him but to follow at a safe distance and call Stuart immediately.”

Mr Smith said: “I really want to thank the community for trying to help us find Kahn. It’s absolutely amazing to see the kindness and generosity of people.

“If anyone has spotted Kahn, please get in touch with me. When Kahn is found we will have a big party for him.”

If anyone has sighted Kahn please call 07958 470920.