A PLEA has been made to a charity shop supporter who has bought a number of VHS tapes, which were mistakenly donated during a house clear-out.

Two of the tapes are of sentimental value to their owner Michelle Garwood because the footage is of her grandmother who died a few years ago.

Michelle is devastated because the tapes are of herself with her two daughters and her nan.

They were packed up with other items and given to Trinity Methodist Church shop in London Road, Westcliff.

Michelle's partner Chris Shaw said: "We decided to have a clearout and we had a stack of VHS tapes all in covers made to look like book binders. A lot of them were old videos like Crocodile Dundee and James Bond.

"But I didn't check them all before I took them and four of the tapes were of Michelle's nan and are irreplacable. She was very close to her nan and they are mementos of her."

All the tapes were bought the same day they were handed into the shop, on Monday, August 13. Two were returned to the shop, but Michelle is anxious to get the remaining two back.

Michelle, 35, a theatre nurse at Southend Hospital, said: "There are a couple of cassettes with my Nan on, she died a few years ago so these have real sentimental value and cannot be replaced."

The tapes have pink handwriting on them, saying Nan and Tom, and Nan and girls.

If you can help locate the videos, call Chris on 07802 224523 or Michelle on 01702 308147.

There is a reward for their safe return.