A NEW pressure group is hoping to persuade Southend Council to house the Saxon king relics at Prittlewell Priory.

The Saxon King in Priory Park protest group was formed after the council launched a consultation about moving the relics, which were found in a tomb near Priory Park, to a new seafront museum.

In autumn 2003, archaeologists unearthed the 7th century grave of the Saxon king in Southend.

Spokeswoman for the protest group, Patsy Link, said: “We firmly believe the most appropriate place for the artefacts would be the Priory Park Museum, a stone’s throw from where he lived, ruled, died and was buried.”

Derek Jarvis, councillor responsible for culture said: “I can understand their sentiments. However, the view was, for many reasons, the cliffs site was the most practical one although it would be costly in the first place.

“Initial study of the responses to our public consultation suggested there is widespread support for our proposals.”

Anyone interested in getting involved in the protest group should contact Ms Link on 07747 755205 or 01702 333542.