A MOTORIST was high on a cocktail of drink and drugs when he crashed his sports car into a house, killing himself and leaving a family homeless.

John Day, 27, was over the drink-drive limit and had taken cocaine, cannabis and the prescription drug Temazepam when he got behind the wheel of his blue Mercedes Coupe. He was seen driving recklessly along the London-bound track of the A127 and even hit another motorist moments before ploughing into a house in Church Road, Laindon.

The car ended up in the dining room of the Neville family home, killing Day instantly.

Patrick Neville, his wife and their two children also had a lucky escape, returning just minutes after the crash from a day out shopping.

Ashley Rodgers told the inquest into the crash Day had tried to give her a bundle of cash when they pulled over after he had driven into the back of her Mini Cooper.

She said: “He said there’s no damage, just take some money. Then he took a wad of notes from his pocket, but I said no.

“He was leaning towards me and I could smell a really strong smell of alcohol. When I smelt that I decided to phone the police. He got back into his car and sped off along the A127, clipping my car again.”

Moments later, Day lost control of the car and it careered off the road and into the house, which backs on to the A176 Basildon sliproad.

Forensic officer, Det Con Kevin Carter, told coroner Caroline Beasley-Murray Day was under the influence of both alcohol and drugs at the time of the crash, on December 4 last year.

Recording a verdict of accidental death at New Bridge House, Chelmsford, Mrs Beasley-Murray said: “John Day died as a result of head injuries due to a traffic accident and multiple drug ingestion.”

The Neville family are still unable to return to their home, which suffered massive structural damage and is still undergoing repairs.

It is expected to be ready in January.