HUNDREDS of friends and relatives crammed into Canewdon Church to say their final goodbyes to a tragic young mum who was killed in a car crash.

Samantha Lee, 23, died after her car overturned in Creeksea Ferry Road, on Valentine’s Day.

Her family, including husband Mark and 15-month-old daughter Marisa, joined hundreds of other mourners for her funeral at St Nicholas Parish Church, in Canewdon, on Friday.

They watched as a wicker coffin covered in lillies was carried into the church and her father, Mervyn Farnham, gave a moving tribute.

He said: “She would have been flattered to know so many people cared and that her life meant so much to them.

“I suppose we are all here today not only to show our love for her, but also to acknowledge the passion she had for life.”

He spoke of how Samantha had settled down to life in Canewdon and had helped out at the mother and toddler group there.

She lived in Rowan Way, but had plans to have a another child and move to a bigger house in the area.

Mr Farnham said: “She was a huge personality who managed to touch and enhance the lives of all those around her.”

During the service the first song from Samantha and Mark’s wedding was played – Spend a Lifetime, by Jamiroquai.

Her dad, who broke down in tears during the service, added: “That day was unequivocably special for all those who attended. We look at those wedding photos now and can see the joy, happiness and love reflected in everyone’s faces.”

Sister-in-law Debbie Lilliot spoke of happy memories of family holidays in Portugal and at Euro Disney.

She also fondly remembered a Take That concert where Samantha was screaming “I love you Howard” at the top of her lungs, and how she admitted to calling the counselling hotline when the boyband split up.

Debbie said: “Life will never be the same without you, but we are thankful for the wonderful memories we have.”