A MARKET at the top of Pier Hill is being planned by Southend Council for the summer season.

The council’s development control committee will be recommended on Wednesday to approve the plans which follow the success of a two-week market on the same site last year.

The market would run from June to September and would be made up of of seven stalls and a pyramid-shaped building to be used as a bar.

The market would have a similar continental theme to the one last year, with stalls selling a variety of products such as crepes, sweets and bratwurst.

In his report to the committee, environment director Andy Lewis said: “It is considered the provision of a market in this area could potentially encourage visitors to the seafront up to the market.”

He added the work already done at the top of Pier Hill was designed to encourage visitors who had come to the seafront to also use the town centre.

It was felt, in principle, there could be no objection to a market on this site as it would add to the visitor attraction.