TEN million pounds is to be ploughed into making a Basildon college a centre of excellence for construction – creating at least 50 jobs.

Prospects College, in Crompton Close, will become a national leader in teaching construction and building skills.

The campus is already an acclaimed engineering training centre, but the mammoth funding boost will enable it to grow even further into an unrivalled learning facility.

Neil Bates, college chief executive, said: “This is fantastic news for Basildon and for the construction sector. Despite the recession, there is a need for people to work in construction and the regeneration of the Thames Gateway will further increase the demand for skilled trades people, construction managers and engineers.

“When the centre opens in September 2010 there will be at least 50 new jobs for trainers and lecturers.”

Mr Bates said the hope was by 2011 the centre will produce more than 200 employed apprentices and 150 qualified construction professionals on an annual basis.

He added: “The centre will be a state-of-the-art facility, the best in the region, and will offer hundreds of opportunities for school leavers, employers and adults wanting to retrain.”

Basildon MP Angela Smith echoed his enthusiasm for the project. She said: “I am absolutely delighted Prospects is going to be making this further big investment in Basildon.

“The college plays a vital role in providing young people with the training, qualifications and experience needed by local employers.”

The investment is coming from grants from the Government’s Learning and Skills Council as well as funding from the national educational charity, the Prospects Charitable Foundation Mr Bates added: “I have to say that the support of Angela Smith, Basildon Council and the Essex Learning and Skills Council were big factors in our decision to come to Basildon in 2007.

“Angela has given us nothing but support and encouragement.”