HUNDREDS of pupils got in the groove during an international dance festival.

Porters Grange Primary School, in Lancaster Gardens, Southend, became the ballroom as youngsters strutted their stuff, performing dances from across the world.

Each year group championed a different style of dance: Reception children performed English country dancing, Year 1 strutted a line dance, Year 2 tackled the American waltz, Year 3 danced the samba and cha-cha-cha, Year 4 pupils performed the salsa and jive, Year 5 took up the waltz and tango both bal-musette style and Year 6 performed the hand jive and morris dancing.

Headteacher Ros Ferdinand said: “The children and staff have been working on their dances for the past ten weeks with the dance company Steps Ahead as part of our work this year on developing dance across the school.

“In the past two weeks the teachers have practised a lot with the pupils, so they are really good.”

Southend mayor Brian Smith was in attendance, along with parents and guests, to see all the school’s 435 children join in.

All of the costumes were made by the school staff with the support of parents and Mrs Ferdinand said a lot of hard work had gone into producing the event, as well as a lot of fun.

Pupil Toni Straughn, seven, said: “I think the costumes were fabulous because they were very bright and beautiful.”

Rebecca Korboe, nine, was one of the dancers taking part. She said: “We found wherever we were, at home or in the playground, we were practising our steps so we would be perfect on the day.”

Parent Michelle Bonham-Dare said: “It was absolutely fantastic. The children were amazing and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It brought tears to my eyes.”

Samantha Richardson, chairman of governors, added: “I would like to thank all the staff and the children for an absolutely wonderful afternoon.

“The hard work put in by all was evident and the obvious pleasure of the parents was a joy to see and hear.

“This was a triumph for Porters Grange Primary.”