BUDDING thespians aged eight to 21 are being invited to try out for a part in a musical.

Rare Productions is putting on Little Shop of Horrors at Basildon’s Towngate Theatre in October and is looking for actors, singers and dancers of all levels of experience.

Auditions for the show, which tells the story of a man-eating plant, take place at the theatre in St Martin’s Square, on Monday, July 6.

Andrew Burton, of Rare Productions, said: “During the rehearsal process our professional staff will take the cast through all they need to know to put the play on stage.

“Nothing can compare to the fun and excitement of putting on a show in a real theatre in front of a real audience.

“The confidence gained by all the members of the cast stay with them long after the final curtain call has been taken.”

The auditions take place between 4.30pm and 8.30pm.

For more information contact Rare on 0844 8008296, 07901 720937 or e-mail info@rareprdocutions.co.uk