A HOMELESS charity has sought to reassure people over plans to expand its Westcliff base.

Scores of people have complained about the scheme on the Echo’s website, www.echo-news.co.uk Harp has been given permission to demolish its current day centre, in Valkyrie Road, and rebuild a new centre, which would also incorporate its night shelter, currently located in York Road.

Residents living in Valkyrie Road are unhappy with the £3million scheme, but bosses at Harp have said their clients come for help, not to cause trouble.

Stephen Colyer, from Harp, said: “The day centre has been in existence for 20 years. The lease for the night shelter, in York Road, runs out in a few years time, so we have to think ahead.

“We are very pleased with the planning permission. We still have to find the money to build the centre, which in this economic climate is going to be difficult.

“There is a lot of emphasis on training and breaking the cycle of homelessness.

“We like to think the vast majority of people conduct themselves in a proper way and we encourage that.

“We have had no problems with the night shelter. The clients I have met are very good people who just want to get on with life. We are trying to help thousands of people to get back on their feet and to carry on with their lives.”

The charity currently sees 2,000 people a year.

The night shelter in York Road can sleep 14 people, but the new centre would be able to accommodate 30.

The expansion will be paid for by a Government grant and donations.

Permission for the redevelopment was given by Southend Council, despite more than 100 objections from residents.