ALLOTMENT holders and police have launched a project to deter vandals from tearing up fruit and veg.

Allotment Watch will work in the same way as a Neighbourhood Watch, and officers hope to introduce it across Castle Point.

First to sign up was Hadleigh Allotment Society, which has been repeatedly targeted by yobs.

It also introduced new fencing and gates to protect the site, next to John Burrows Park.

Secretary Roger Everard said: “Anything that will improve security is to be welcomed.

“Allotment Watch will improve communication with the police and give our members immediate access to crime prevention advice.”

Signs fixed to the entrances of the site, identify it as a member of the scheme. There will also be regular liaison meetings between the society and the police.

Sgt Mark McQuade, of Benfleet police, said: “Bringing all the allotment societies across Castle Point together under Allotment Watch is a great opportunity for us to share ideas on security with them.

“We are committed to help and support all those people and groups who work with us to keep our community safe.”