A CHARITY official has warned about thieves target collection bags across Basildon.

The British Heart Foundation has had several incidents reported to it where crooks stole bags of goods destined for charities.

Tricksters have also been posing as charity representatives to con residents into handing over items for donation.

Several organisations, including the heart foundation, dish out plastic bags to residents to fill with donations.

The goods are then taken to charity shops where they are sold.

But the foundation says thieves have been helping themselves to packed collection bags, left out by kind-hearted residents across Basildon.

A man stole a bag from outside a house in Kingsley Meadows, Wickford.

The goods, which had been left out for a British Heart Foundation representative, were worth £150.

Louise Harbour, a spokeswoman for the foundation, said: “There have been a number of reports of bogus collectors operating in the area, either asking householders to donate clothing and textiles or taking bags which have been left out for collection.

“These collectors are working for commercial gain, with none of the proceeds going to charity.

“Stealing bags left out for our charity is akin to robbing people with heart conditions of a better quality of life.”

Official charity collectors, including those working for the British Heart Foundation, carry an ID card.

Anyone with information about the thefts, or the incident in Wickford, on December 8 can call Basildon police on 0300 3334444.