CHALKWELL Park hosts the free Village Green Festival tomorrow, Saturday.

There will be five separate stages, with numerous acts including soul singer Carleen Anderson and Snowboy and the Latin Section.

There will be comedy from Markus Birdman and Francesa Martinez and a dance performance from Ballet Black.

Among the local bands playing are the Seasiders, Arcadian Driftwood and Lucky Strikes.

Away from the stages, a double avenue of marquees will offer workshops, exhibitions, dance classes, craft demonstrations, yoga sessions, a digital exploration centre, and food and drink.

Sporting opportunities include football and basketball training and a raised wooden mountain bike track.

White Bus’s giant cinema screen weill show the UK premiere of Portuguese animation film, the Eyes of the Lighthouse (Olhos do Farol). The musical soundtrack will be played live by a 12-strong Samphire Band, conducted by the film’s composer, Harry Escott.