A MUCH-LOVED chairman of school governors was given an emotional farewell by staff and pupils when she retired after 26 years.

Maureen Whitham, 75, joined the board of Bromfords School in Wickford as a parent governor in 1984, while her son was a pupil.

She was elected chairman of the governors in 1999.

During her time with the school, the dedicated governor has seen pupil numbers rise from 700 to more than 1,200.

Maureen was involved in the development of several building projects including a new sixth form centre, the high-tech Science and ICT block, the re-modelling of a new reception and administrative school office, and most recently the Wickford Colloborative Learning Centre in the school’s grounds.

She visited the school every Friday to chat to pupils and staff.

Head boy and girl Reece Hustwitt 15, and Emma Lickman 15, interviewed Maureen about her memories and experiences.

Maureen said: “I enjoyed the my role particularly the enrichment and celebration evenings, where parents and staff look on with pride at pupils’ talents and achievements.”

Despite retiring as a governor, Maureen is not planning a quiet life.

She plans to spend more time gardening and visit her son in Australia, as well as friends in New Zealand and Florida.

Headteacher Marian Spinks said Maureen would be sadly missed by staff and pupils.

She added: “We offer a heartfelt thanks for all her time and effort as chair of governors in which role she has served the school and community so well.”