A MAN was assaulted and thrown against his own car during a road rage attack.

The 26-year-old was in a silver Ford Fiesta driving along Rayleigh Road, Eastwood, near to Rochford Corner, when he got into a row with another man driving a dark Mercedes or Astra.

Following the incident the driver, who also had a young boy in his car, got out and squared up to the victim, who had also got out.

But, without warning, the driver of the other car grabbed the victim and launched him against his car with such force the wing mirror snapped off.

The thug then got back in his car and roared off towards Kent Elms Corner leaving his victim shaken with bruising to his body.

Police are probing the road rage attack and are appealing for witnesses.

Investigating officer PC Deborah Martin, of Eastwood police, said: “This was made even more disturbing by the fact the suspect had a young boy travelling with him.

“The child was sat in the front seat and would have witnessed the whole incident.

“If you saw the assault, or think you know who was responsible, please get in touch straight away.”

The suspect was white, heavily built, about 40-years-old and 6ft tall.

He had dark brown hair, which was greying at the temples, and wore a chequered shirt and blue jeans.

Witnesses to the attack, which happened at about 9.30am on Saturday, can contact PC Martin at Eastwood police office on 0300 3334444. Or alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.