A SCHOOL criticised for poor attendance rates has set up morning games and sports clubs to encourage youngsters.

Six months ago, Briscoe Primary School, in Pitsea, came under fire for failing to get its pupils into school regularly and on time.

But the launch of before-school activities has seen the attendance rate rise to above the national average and pupils start their day in a healthy, invigorating way.

Teaching assistant Kelly Herring said: “Some of our children who were really reluctant to come to school are now running in to take part, because they love it.”

Attendance was one of the areas the school was told to improve on by inspectors from education watchdog Ofsted, after it was put into special measures in January.

Inspectors said there weren’t enough early morning attractions on offer to get pupils in to school promptly or to extend learning outside the academic day.

Staff launched the morning activities programme to solve the problem in February, and the school’s attendance rate has since risen from 92.3 per cent, considered inadequate, to 94 per cent, which is satisfactory.

Dancing, parachute games, fancy dress and basketball take place in the playground and school hall for 15 minutes before school starts each day.

Family breakfasts, where parents are invited to join children and teachers, are held once a month.

They attract as many as 80 people each time and include free cereals, juices and fruit.

Ms Herring added: “The family breakfasts encourage parents to sit down and play with their children, socialise with other parents and communicate with the teachers and support staff.”

The school was already hosting a pupils’ breakfast club from 8am every day before the inspection.

It is hoped the range of activities, which are organised by teachers and teaching assistants, will be extended in September.