A PRIVATE security firm brought in to clean up our streets has started work.

Xfor, which is run by former soldiers and police officers, is patrolling Basildon, Wickford and Billericay.

This means residents and shoppers could now be fined £75 if they are caught dropping litter, while reckless smokers and pet owners whose dogs foul the highway could be caught on camera if they offend.

The firm, which has provided five officers for the patrols, has been hired by Basildon Council as part of a six-month trial.

Tony McShane, 24, is the team leader for the new squad, and he said he was looking forward to making a difference in the borough. He said: “I know people are probably not going to like what we are doing, but we want to make a difference.

“If we see people offending, we will fine them on the spot, even if they try to pick it up – the offence has already been committed.

“We want Basildon to be a better, cleaner place and hopefully our work will make a bit of a difference.”

Xfor, which specialises in environmental enforcement, was founded by two paratroopers and is employed by boroughs, including Hillingdon, Maidstone and Enfield.

Malcolm Buckley, councillor with responsibility for the environment, said: “I am pleased Xfor has started and it will make a difference. We have tried advice in the past and it hasn’t worked, so enforcement is the next step.

“This is a trial, and we will be monitoring the effectiveness of the team.

“We want people to come shopping in Basildon and spend their money here because it is a nice town centre to spend time in.

“Its time for people who drop litter to be held responsible.”

The team, made up of four men and one woman, will patrol in pairs in town centres, parks and residential streets.

Aaron Kitchener, 29, operations manager for Xfor, said: “I help out in new boroughs to establish teams.

“All new enforcement officers get lots of training in how to deal with difficult situations, and we are looking forward to making a difference in Basildon.”