MORE than 80 members of the Thorpe Hall Ladies section enjoyed beautiful sunny conditions for the start of the highlight of their golfing year.

Although the skies clouded over, the temperature remained pleasant and it was not as windy as it hasd been earlier in the week.

The course had been superbly prepared by Barry Williams and his green staff who had been up with the lark to hand mow the putting surfaces for the competition. After their first nine holes, lady captain Lucille Palmer Moth served all the ladies with champage and pimms and wonderful canapes!

The morning competition was an 18-hole Stableford and the winner of the captain's prize with a fantastic score of 41 points was Vanessa Powell. She is a relatively new member of Thorpe Hall, playing off 31, but now her handicap reduces to 29! Her prize was a magnificent crystal candelabra with a matching pairof individual candle sticks.

In second place with 38 points was Julie Crocker (18). Her handicap also reduces and she will now play off 17. Third place went to Helen Knatchull with 37.

The scratch winner was Helen Morgan with 26 points.

The afternoon format was a more relaxed three-ball Texas Scramble. On the front nine the winning team was Beverly Bonora, Vanessa Powell and Cara Faint with a net 33. On the back nine the winners were Helen Morgan, Beryl Johnson and Anna Leslie with 34. The ladies returned to the clubhouse in the evening for a fantastic meal and prizegiving.