AN ugly double bogey on the last hole of his second round cost Richard McEvoy at the Alstom Open de France at the weekend.

The Thorpe Hall professional would have made the cut had it not been for the six he shot on the 18th in Paris.

That caused him to miss his third consecutive cut and left him in 136th position in the European Tour rankings.

He will be hoping for a better showing at this weekend’s Barclay’s Scottish Open as he warms up for his debut at The Open, at Royal St George’s, in two weeks’ time.

And it was also a disappointing weekend for McEvoy’s club mate, Matt Southgate.

He could not replicate his career-best showing in Scotland a week before, as he missed the cut at the Princess by Schuco tournament in Sweden.

He enjoyed an eagle in each of the opening nine holes of his two rounds, but his two back nines were littered with costly bogeys.