YOUR anonymous correspondent from Rochford (Letters, December 18) takes it too far.

I would think that almost all asthmatics such as myself would find it difficult to obstruct the airways for any significant length of time with a face mask.

The result of doing so a couple of times in my case was a collapse gasping for air and a fit of spluttering and coughing. I do try to wear a mask or face shield for a few minutes if anywhere inside, but it cannot be for long.

There is quite a long list of conditions exempting sufferers and a moment’s reflection should convince any reasonable person that we cannot be confined inside.

If there are persons so frightened by the absence of masks perhaps they should limit their own social interactions.

The vaccine in the 1950s inhaling of the polio virus caused paralysis in children. Happily, it was almost never fatal but it was spread by non-symptomatic adult carriers.


Herongate, Shoeburyness


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