CYCLISTS could be hit with £100 for riding through Southend High Street after numerous near-misses and a series of crashes.

Southend Council is launching a consultation intro stricter rules around bicycles and e-scooters being used in “pedestrian areas”.

Martin Terry, councillor responsible for public protection, insists that there have been so many issues with bikes being ridden dangerously in the town centre that fining cyclists is one of the few options left.

The consultation is part of a plan to strengthen a public space protection order (PSPO), which was first introduced in Southend in July 2019 to tackle anti-social behaviour.

Mr Terry said: “We’ve had a lot of complaints about cyclists and escooter users riding dangerously in the high street.

“Older people are worried about it and there’s been a number of people struck and quite badly injured by dangerous riders.


“We get people riding at a ridiculous speed and people find it unnerving.

“The tougher rules cover all the pedestrianised areas in the high street. I am a keen cyclist and am pro-cycling but I walk my bike through the high street.”

Cycling is already banned in Southend High Street, but the rule is frequently broken and Mr Terry insisted this is a way to stamp it out.

The consultation runs 5pm on Saturday, June 25, and residents can have their say online.

As part of the consultation, Southend Council is also considering extending a public drinking ban into Toledo Road, part of Hilcrest Road, and part of York Ride.

Street drinking is already banned in Southend City centre, Southend seafront, Southchurch Hall Gardens, Hamlet Court Road, York Road, Toledo Road, Shoebury Common Road, Ness Road, and Thorpe Bay Gardens.

Mr Terry, who is also deputy council leader, added: “We’ve had incidents of people being threatening, aggressive, noisy and excessively drunk.

“Residents and councillors made requests for the tougher rules will also include a £100 fine for this sort of behaviour.

“The PSPO, while used as a last resort, is an important tool for our officers who have to manage some persistent anti-social behaviour.”

Have your say at www.yoursay.