A serious attack has shut off part of Southend city centre today after a man in his 30s was rushed to hospital.

Police remain on the scene in Chichester Road with a cordon in place after a man in his 30s was taken to hospital following a serious assault.

Essex Police has now confirmed a man has been arrested in connection with the incident and officers will remain on the scene tonight while they carry out enquiries.

Echo: Emergency services in Chichester Road todayEmergency services in Chichester Road today (Image: Public)

Chief inspector Dan McHugh, said: “Our officers have made a quick, effective response to this incident and arrested a man.

“The public will see more officers in the vicinity of Warrior Square tonight as they make their way home.

“We are remaining on scene whilst we carry out enquiries.

“We would ask anyone who was in the vicinity of Chichester Road, Warrior Square or Southchurch area at the time who may have information that could help our investigation to contact us.

“We’d like to ask anyone with dash cam or footage of any part of the incident to review their devices and see if they have captured anything that could help us establish the facts and what happened in the lead up to the incident.”

Anyone with information, CCTV, dash cam or other footage in relation to this incident, is urged to call police on 101 or submit a report online at www.essex.police.uk/digital101, quoting incident 682 of November 28.

Four ambulance vehicles and a police car were seen responding to the attack near the former De Italian Sausage restaurant earlier this afternoon. The police cordon at the scene appears to be in place from Chichester Road's junction with Southchurch Road to the former Shrimp Shack restaurant.

To make an anonymous report, contact independent charity Crimestoppers by visiting their website or by calling 0800 555 111.