A VICTIM has spoken out after a vile Shoebury paedophile who sexually abused several young girls has been jailed.

Charles Brown, 76, of Hogarth Drive, Shoebury, has been sentenced after being found guilty of abuse 58 years ago.

The sentencing concludes a five-year investigation by Essex Police’s Quest Team, after they received a report in 2019 that Charles Brown had assaulted young girls between 1966 and 1994 on multiple occasions.

One of the survivors shared a victim impact statement following the sentencing.

READ MORE >> Vile Shoebury paedophile who sexually abused several young girls is jailed

They said: “Charles Brown chose to touch and claw at my young, undeveloped body for his own gratification.

“He felt no shame, gave no consideration to the impact he would have on me and still chooses not to admit any guilt, as such further abusing me but not physically anymore, now mentally.

“I will never forgive him for making me doubt my own self-worth.

"When I became a mother, I was consumed with fear when my little girl was not with me. Because of what happened to me, I viewed every man, who picked her up, leaned into her crib or looked at her as a threat to her safety.

“I wish I had been stronger sooner and not been so afraid, I carry guilt that if he did to anyone else what he did to me, then I could have saved them by reporting him. Rationally I know that he is to blame for his actions, despite his continual denial.

“He knows what he has done, and he knows I am telling the truth. He has to live with his own demons as I continue to live with mine.

“If he had pleaded guilty in May last year, he could have saved us all further anguish, but instead he was and is content to continue our suffering, showing us no remorse for what he has done.”

Det Supt Neil Pudney, head of investigations for Essex Police’s Crime and Public Protection command, said: “The conviction of Charles Brown marked the most historic public protection investigation that we have secured a conviction for.

“The results achieved by our Quest team and other teams across our Crime and Public Protection Unit prove that we are not restricted by forensic opportunities and there is no time limit when it comes to investigating sexual offences."

Brown was sentenced to 31 months and three weeks imprisonment on Friday 24 May. He will remain on the sex offenders register for life.

Essex Police’s Quest team investigates cases where the victim was a child at the time of the abuse but is now an adult.

Support is there for anyone affected by rape and sexual abuse, and no victim or survivor is alone. 

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