A VILE Shoebury paedophile who sexually abused several young girls has been jailed.

Charles Brown, of Hogarth Drive, Shoebury, has been sentenced after being found guilty of abuse 58 years ago.

The 76-year-old appeared at Basildon Crown Court on Friday where he was sentenced after being convicted of indecent assaults against three young girls.

The sentencing concludes a five-year investigation by Essex Police’s Quest Team, who investigate sexual offence reports where the victim was a child at the time of the offence but is now an adult.

READ MORE >> ‘I wish I’d been stronger sooner’ – Victim speaks out after Shoebury paedo is jailed

Sgt Rachel Mitchell, an officer in the case, said: “We received a report in 2019 that Charles Brown had assaulted young girls between 1966 and 1994 on multiple occasions.

"With all Quest investigations, the first thing our detectives do is to get an account from the victim.

“We appreciate that this is traumatic for people, to go over events which they may have buried for years and not told anyone.

"However, often as there is no forensic evidence available, this account from the victim is crucial and builds the foundation for our investigation to continue.”

After these accounts were taken from the victims, Brown was arrested at his home address in Shoeburyness. He refused to comment on all questions whilst in custody.

Detectives worked with the Crown Prosecution Service to charge Brown with eight counts of indecent assault on a girl under the age of 16.

Following a week-long trial at Basildon Crown Court, Brown was found guilty of five counts on 14 November 2023. The jury found him not guilty on three counts.

Sgt Rachel Mitchell added: “Brown’s conviction was as a direct result of the bravery of those survivors, who carried themselves with patience and dignity throughout a really challenging, long investigation.

“The survivors have received support from the moment of reporting from Independent Sexual Violence Advisors (ISVAs) from their areas. ISVAs have been able to provide emotional support and counselling to the victims.”

Brown was sentenced to 31 months and three weeks imprisonment on Friday, May 24. He will remain on the sex offenders register for life.

Essex Police’s Quest team investigates cases where the victim was a child at the time of the abuse but is now an adult.

Support is there for anyone affected by rape and sexual abuse, and no victim or survivor is alone. 

Visit, https://synergyessex.org.uk/